SA Boerperd Gauteng Klub

Bestuur / Management:

Chairman / Voorsitter
Carel Meintjies
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0)83 264 2338
Secretary / Sekretaris
Riana le Roux
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.:+27 (0)79 112 3471
Treasurer / Tessourier
Jan Joubert
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0)83 289 9220
Additional / Addisioneel
Official E-Mail: gautengsaboerperdklub@gmail.com
Fax to e-mail: +27 (0)86 574 5022
Doelstellings / Purpose:
Funksie / Function:

Die Gauteng SA Boerperd Klub is die verteenwoordigende liggaam van die SA Boerperd in Gauteng, maar sluit ook lede in van Noord – Wes Provinsie en Limpopo.
We hold meetings on a continuous basis at which all aspects of the SA Boerperd are discussed. Plans and actions are work out to promote the breed.
Daar word gedurig vriendskaplikheids (“fellowship”) funksies gereël: waar daar dan op ontspanne, informele wyse saam gekuier word – en waar die ras dan bloot geniet word. Die geleenthede dien ook soms as “dink – scrums”, waar daar planne gesmee word om ons ras nog verder uit te brei. Ons leer mekaar en mekaar se perde ken en deel in ‘n gesamentlike belangstelling.
Apart from our Chairman, which is also our Regional Representative on the Board of the SA Boerperd Breeders Society, there are a few of our members that fill portfolios on the Board, or are on committees of the Board where they do valuable work for the breed. There is a close working relationship between the Club and the Board of the SA Boerperd Breeders Society.
Ons het 2 Skoue in ons streek: een tydens “Horse of the Year” skou by Kyalami, Midrand; die ander een, die Gauteng Streekskampioenskap, by die Pretoria Internasionle skou. Die moontlikheid word ondersoek om nog meer skoue in ons Streek aan te bied.
Some of our members excel in the General Sport Horse Sphere. We have some wonderful show jumping children and juniors, as well as some dressage and showing riders and Horses.

COPYRIGHT 2024 © SABoerperd.