SA Boerperd Mpumalanga Klub

Bestuur / Management:

Chairman / Voorsitter
Manie Lourens
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0) 82 335 7220
Vice-Chairman / Onder-Voorsitter
David de wet
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0) 82 875 2814
Secretary / Sekretaris
Nicolene Scholtz
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0) 84 509 7914
Treasurer / Tessourier
Martie Jacobsz
Kontak Nr. / Contact Nr.: +27 (0) 17 629 3204
Additional / Addisioneel
Jannie Jacobsz: +27 (0) 82 388 1407
André Pretorius: +27 (0) 82 388 1407
Riaan Oberholzer: +27 (0)82 271 7173
Bruwer Burger: +27 (0) 83 229 4884

History / Geskiedenis:

Established on 22nd January 1986 in the hart of SA Boerperd country, primarily to play a support role for the SA Boerperd Breeders Society in recruitment of new members, this club has grown to be a vital part of the Society in that it renders a valuable service to its members.
Currently consisting of 55 valued members, it is an organisation that promotes and markets the SA Boerperd in a dynamic and resourceful way. Members are divided into SA Boerperd breeders and non-breeders who enjoy the privileges of the club and joys of riding the most versatile horse in the country.
Pleasure rides are offered throughout the year and consist of three or one day experiences at very affordable rates. This is a festive occasion for members and their horses, where mostly the southern parts of Mpumalanga are explored in an adventurous manner. These outrides usually draw up to 60 riders from all walks of life and are a most enjoyable experience.
Members are regularly offered training on different aspects of horse breeding and/ or management in that the more experienced members share their knowledge and know-how with others. Those who are interested may join the breeder’s tour at the beginning of the breeding season where every breeder in the region is visited at his /her horses scrutinised. This enables members to keep up a standard of excellence in that breeding objectives are established and maintained.
The club annually presents the Highveld show at the Ermelo show grounds where breeders and riders from all over the country can compete. This show includes the Mpumalanga regional championships for SA Boerperde as well as an open division where other breeds may participate.
An annual production sale of SA Boerperde is also held in July together with the Eastern Transvaal Bull and Ram auction which is the biggest of its kind in the Southern hemisphere where breeders have the chance to market their stock. Horses are scrutinised beforehand by the club, which ensures that only the best quality is offered for sale.
These are extremely exciting times since the establishment of the club and the breed as a whole. This means that a dynamic organisation such as the Highveld SA Boerperd club has a vital role to play in the preservation of our heritage, the SA Boerperd. This club is therefore an exclusive organisation in that only dynamic people with an above average love and respect for horses in general is allowed to join.
For further information on how to become part of the Highveld SA Boerperd family and experience the joys of the SA Boerperd, the Management may be contacted.

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