The conformation of a horse defines its morphological framework; comprising skeletal lengths and angles, including limb stance and muscular structures contributing to aesthetic appearance.
Die genetiese diversiteit in ‘n ras is belangrik, omdat dit dui op die ras se vermoë om byvoorbeeld aan te pas by die omgewing en eienskappe soos oorlewing en siekteweerstand kan beïnvloed. Genetiese diversiteit kan en behoort gemonitor te word, sodat telers betyds bewus gemaak kan word indien daar nadelige telingspraktyke toegepas word.
We all value the SA Boerperd for different reasons. Yet despite these differences, the fact remains that these horses impact the lives of their proud owners in some significant way. This justifies improving the breed and ensuring its continued existence.
In this study genetic diversity parameters for the Boerperd population in South Africa were investigated. This will give an indication if the population is at risk of losing genetic diversity or not.
The SA Boerperd Breed joined Horse of the Year (HOY) for the first time in 1998 under the very capable leadership of Ms. Heleen Pope, who still organises the SA Boerperd Breed classes annually 19 years later.
To be at the very spot where furture champions are nurtured is a sheer privilege. All facets of tough competition, with the guts and glory involved, are evident – whether you’re a parent, spectator, groom or rider in the SANESA (South Africa National Equestrian Schools Association) National Championships, you cannot keep from being deeply involved in equine sport.
Not many people know that the SA Boerperd has a natural ability to high knee action, i.e. 90° and higher. This natural ability on its own, is a magnificent sight. Enhancing this natural ability, with responsibile training and schooling, results in a spectacular athletic display in the show arena.
My name is Surika Struwig, I am 9 years old and I live in Volksrust, Mpumalanga. I was only 2 years old when I started riding on a horse on the farm where my mother was working. As the time went on I grew very fond of horses. When I was 4 years old, I did my first show and came 6th and 7th in some of the showing classes.
Olga has only been riding Willem for a short while, but in that space of time together, they have notched up some impressive results. At the National Boerperd Show held in Parys last year she and Willem were placed 2nd in the Best Rider Under 14 years. They were then asked to compete in the Championship where they came 3rd in all the age groups under 18 years.
On the morning of 25 November 2007 a foal who completely stole my heart was born at our SA Boerperd Stud. At the Rooigras farm we have an exciting naming process. The foals’ names must start with the first letter of the father’s name, but the name must also tell you something about the mother’s name.
It was by accident that I started riding Pandan Faktor. I was already entered in the 80cm classes at the first eventing qualifier of SANESA, when the horse I was riding at the time developed a limp and was declared lame and therefore not fit for competition. I loved Straal, and was devastated at the thought that I could not ride him anymore.
The love of my life is my South African Boerperd, Mooihoek Jupiter, and this is our story from a farm in the Eastern Free State close to the small town of Warden. I first started riding when I was 10 years old. Jupiter came to our farm and at first wasn’t noticed; he was only used for casual outrides with friends as he was still relatively young.
The essence of the SA Boerperd is captured in the versatility of the breed and due to the vision of a few people many years ago, several SA Boerperd bloodlines were introduced into the Breeders Association in the 1970’s. Since then, every horse which became a registered SA Boerperd, had to pass an inspection where correct conformation is of great importance.
The SA Boerperd is an attractive athlete ideal as showing horse, especially for children, juniors and ladies and has been very competitive in various classes at showing and dressage shows. The SA Boerperd is required to have medium-low to medium-high knee action, long strides with cadence that covers ground with hind legs moving well underneath the body to take weight of the forequarters. It is a highly trainable horse with kind nature and intelligent temperament.
For the past three decades the SA Boerperd Society has been using an inspection system, the purpose of which, is to maintain a high breed standard and to ennoble the Boerperd. At the birth of a foal, of registered parents, its data is recorded. On reaching the age of 12 months, each foal must be tattooed for identification purposes on the upper gum with a unique number allocated to the breeder.
The SA Boerperd is a true South African breed, with a long and illustrious history intimately interwoven with that of civilization in South Africa. Its lineage can be traced back to shortly after the landing of Jan van Riebeeck in Table Bay in 1652, and the establishment of a halfway post to serve ships of the Dutch East Indian Company.
The SA Boerperd is a true South African breed, with a long and illustrious history intimately interwoven with that of civilization in South Africa. Its lineage can be traced back to shortly after the landing of Jan van Riebeeck in Table Bay in 1652, and the establishment of a halfway post to serve ships of the Dutch East Indian Company.
The SA Boerperd takes hands with an exciting new research project. Well-known equine science lecturer in the Department of Animal Sciences at Tshwane University of Technology, Dawn Mansfield, has recently embarked on a master’s degree project that will contribute to the equine industry in general. She’s using SA Boerperd in her initial study, but eventually her results will apply to horses of all breeds.
Die SA Boerperd is die perd vir Suid-Afrika. Die DNS, konformasie en keuringsproses van die perd is die sleutel tot sukses van die vooruitgang van die ras. Die SA Boerperd het hierdie veelsydigheidseienskap deur geslagte heen saamgebring. Waar hy in die verlede ‘n werksperd en vervoermiddel was, is die eise wat vandag aan die SA Boerperd gestel word baie meer op die sportarena gerig.
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